GHD Limited edition Arctic Gold sets now in salon#hintGHD this Xmas with a range of straightening irons, tongs, wands, hairdryers and deluxe sets from £99! This wek only we are offering a FREE GHD brush of choice ( worth £17.50) with any gift set bought! #ghd #hintghd #xmas #tong #giftset #gift #arcticgold #to #h #brush
#hintGHD this Xmas with a range of straightening irons, tongs, wands, hairdryers and deluxe sets from £99! This wek only we are offering a FREE GHD brush of choice ( worth £17.50) with any gift set bought! #ghd #hintghd #xmas #tong #giftset #gift #arcticgold #to #h #brush